Friday, February 1, 2013

February Challenge Link Up!

In an effort to challenge myself in my quilty life and connect with more quilting friends, I've decided to start a monthly personal challenge + linky party!

To join in, write a blog post (or include the info in a flickr photo description if you don't blog) about your own challenge for February (quilting/sewing/fabric/design related, please!) and include my blog button in your post. Next link up here! Stop back in the beginning of March to report on your February challenge and start something new for March!

I will visit each participant's blog/flickr, and I can't wait to learn more about all of you!

After you link up, take a few minutes to stop by other blogs to see what we are all up to!

My February challenge is to go outside of my comfort zone and meet more people at QuiltCon. I'm very much an introvert, but I will be so disappointed if I don't put myself out there!

Now it's your turn! What's your February challenge?

Grab my button and add it to your own February Challenge post!

The Girl Who Quilts

Link ups are open until midnight of February 5th.
(In the future, link ups will only stay open until the 3rd of the month).

Don't forget to stop back at the end of the month!

I will randomly choose 1 link up participant on February 6th. That person will receive a PDF copy of my 9-Patch Puzzle Quilt Pattern and a set of 42 - 10" squares in the solids that I used for the cover quilt!

Also, if you're looking for some great info on creating a blog button, check out Ellison Lane Quilts:
Creating a Blog Button
How to Make a Blog Button with an HTML Code Box


Lynette said...

I have a very similar challenge! I'm going to a quilt retreat in 3 weekends sponsored by a blogger I follow, but I know not one single person! Locked in a cabin with no wireless phone connection and 14 women I don't know - scares the begeebies out of me when I think of it! I keep telling myself to have faith in Quilter Camaraderie. . .

CitricSugar said...

Good luck with the link-up and with getting out of your shell at QC! I'm even more bummed I can't go, now. lol. Have extra fun for those of us that living vicariously through their RSS readers. :-)

And I hear you on how hard it is to keep up with everyone you read. I keep adding more and more feeds and it takes me forever to get through them all because i don't want to miss anything….

CityHouseStudio said...

What a great idea for a linky party!
I'll have to think about this and maybe join you in next month - my challenge right now is how to keep up with work, the kids, and blogging all at the same time! There just aren't enough hours in a day!

felicity said...

I'm in!

It might be just me but when I click a link, I'm taken to Pinterest to "pin this link".

Laura C @ littleandlots said...

I'm a fairly new follower of yours, and can DEFINITELY get behind any goals that start in February instead of January. :) Thanks for organizing the link-up. I'm also excited to "meet" other bloggers and see others's challenge goals!

mandalei said...

Linked up!

Anonymous said...

very nice quilt and very fresh color combination and very nice design.

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Anonymous said...

I just found your blog. I love the idea of a challenge. I know I missed the linkup, but hopefully I can catch the wrap-up.

Unknown said...

My plan for march is to start new pattern quilt with some fresh color and finish in month. I love your quilting ides.
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