Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Swaps!

In the past, I never felt that I could join in a swap. We were so busy moving, unpacking, repacking, moving, etc. So I was really excited to catch a few swaps when they were still open for participants!
I was lucky enough to score a spot in the 2nd round of the Pretty {Little} Pouch swap and the Make Mine Modern swap!
Here's my inspiration mosaic for the Pretty {Little} Pouch swap:
See this link for photo credits.

And my Make Mine Modern swap mosaic:
Photo credits here.

I have some fabrics pulled as possibilities for my end of the swaps, and I think I have some good ideas of what to make. More soon!


Anonymous said...

Great mosaics!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Fun, fun mosaics. Lots of cool inspiration!